Posture: The Undiagnosed Cause of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain


This webinar was live broadcast on August 25, 2020. You are purchasing a recording. You have 30 days from purchase date to download recording.

Presented by Jessica Kisiel, MS

Chronic musculoskeletal pain is difficult to treat. Invasive medical procedures—injections, surgery, medication—are frequently ineffective, leaving people to suffer for years. Often, the body part that is in pain is not the problem, but the symptom of a postural imbalance somewhere else in the body. If this underlying cause is not corrected, muscle and joint compensations and dysfunctions continue, leading to a cycle of pain affecting multiple body parts and systems.

This webinar introduces health and fitness professionals to Posture Therapy, an exercise-based approach that re-aligns the joints through re-education of the soft tissues. When the bones are in correct positions and muscles are functioning optimally, forces are evenly distributed throughout the body and the joints remain healthy. It is when the body becomes stuck in asymmetrical postures and compensatory patterns that breakdown and deterioration occur, which can lead to chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Before the body is stressed with resistance training, intense aerobic exercise, or sports conditioning, it needs to be in the correct position. Jessica shares alignment strategies that professionals can use to improve the quality of client/patient workouts.

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Coach, author, and former professional athlete, Jessica Kisiel is passionate about helping people who are in chronic pain maintain an active lifestyle. She has overcome many injuries herself, including severe hip osteoarthritis. Using her professional knowledge and personal experience, Jessica has guided hundreds of clients out of pain and back to activity and competitive sports.

During her healing, she discovered Posture Therapy, which turned out to be the missing piece in her recovery from hip, back and neck pain. When she was a patient, she began the certification process for The Egoscue Method® and continued her posture training to receive credentialing from the Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI). Unique in holding both these designations, Jessica is sought out by people worldwide in search of answers to their pain. Jessica’s story, and much of what she gained through her recovery process, is explained in her book, Winning The Injury Game. 

In addition to her education in posture, Jessica holds a master’s degree in Exercise Science and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Wellcoaches Corporation, and the American Council on Exercise (ACE).  

Discover more at her website,