About Us
As the population ages, there is a significant increase in obesity, chronic disease and medical conditions. A Boomer client may face joint replacement(s), arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s. Often, they are dealing with 2 or more of these medical conditions.
The benefits of exercise and fitness are well documented, with numerous health benefits across age groups. Exercise can be pursued to accommodate for deficits that come with the normal aging process, as well as to compensate for, or improve the status of, underlying chronic disease in all ages. Regular physical activity and proper nutrition are accepted strategies to promote and preserve health.
There is a huge opportunity for well-educated fitness professionals to serve as pivotal players in our nation’s healthcare.

Education is Vital
A Medical Fitness Specialist or Medical Exercise Specialist is uniquely qualified to work with individuals within the medical-fitness continuum. They can help make the transition from medical management and/or physical therapy to a regular physical activity program following a surgery, an injury, a medical diagnosis or exacerbation of a pre-existing condition.
They possess training and skills to work with medical conditions. Medical needs may include obesity, diabetes, hypertension, neuromuscular disorders, heart disease, lung disease, osteoporosis, orthopedic injury, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and mental disorders.
In order to safely and effectively work with these populations, continuing education is vital. Continuing education in the fitness & wellness industry is important. Professionals working with the medical conditions, chronic disease and seniors must have a higher level of knowledge and skill.
On MedFit Classroom, you'll find online education for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation for chronic disease, medical conditions, women's health and the aging population through exercise and fitness.
- Medical fitness specializations, authored by top educators in the space. We offer the world’s largest library of medical fitness specialization certificate courses, with more than 20 specializations to choose from.
- Short online courses to help enhance your professional skills.
- Professional education webinars presented by leading experts.
MedFit Classroom was created by the MedFit Education Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded to elevate the quality and amount of available education for fitness & allied healthcare professionals to learn how to best work with our aging population and those with medical conditions or chronic disease.
Specialist courses available on MedFit Classroom were made possible through a generous grant by The Borland Family Foundation Fund of InFaith Community Foundation.