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Course Category: MedFit Classroom CEUs
- CEU Webinar | Exercise and Allergies: How to Train Clients When They Can’t Breathe - Webinar + CEU Quiz - $19.95
- CEU Webinar | Erasing the Least-Functional, Least-Athletic, Least-Prophylactic Exercise from the Trainer's Toolbox: A Lunge Review - Webinar + CEU Quiz - $19.95
- CEU Webinar | Don’t Be Intimidated: Training the Stroke Survivor - Webinar + CEU Quiz - $19.95
- CEU Webinar | Working With Special Populations: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Fitness Integration - Webinar + CEU Quiz - $19.95
- CEU Webinar | Female, Hardy and Hearty… but Different - Webinar + CEU Quiz - $19.95