Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Specialist Online Course
This course was created in collaboration between Bridges for Parkinson’s and MedFit Education Foundation.
This product is an online, self-study course.
Every nine seconds a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. By this time, the patient has been experiencing symptoms for years. Over the past decade, numerous exercise methods have surfaced all claiming to “slow the progression of the disease.” Research studies reveal more and more information about the epidemiology of the disease while fitness professionals are offering more personal training and/or coaching of group exercise classes specifically for those living with Parkinson’s disease. The goal of this course is to bring the research, medical and fitness fields together so that fitness professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of Parkinson’s disease, and learn how to work with those who have it.
Course Length: 12.5 hours
Course Author: Colleen Bridges-Nash, M.Ed.
Many fitness professionals lack the knowledge to safely and effectively design fitness programs that specifically meet the needs of those with Parkinson’s Disease. As the yearly number of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s increases, so does the demand for fitness professionals who have the skills and education to deliver quality and individualized fitness programming for this population.
Course Objectives
- Gain an understanding of the epidemiology and the effects of Parkinson’s disease on the body.
- Gain an understanding of the treatment options and the side effects.
- Gain an understanding the connection between exercise and Parkinson’s disease (includes a boxing tutorial).
- Learn the What, Why and How to Writing an effective program design for clients with Parkinson’s disease.
- Learn safe and effective programming through progression and regression of exercises, when necessary.
Course Overview
Click here to download a detailed lesson overview (PDF)
- Module 1: What is Parkinson’s Disease?
- Module 2: Therapies Today and in the Future
- Module 3: Benefits of Exercise
- Module 4: Boxing and Parkinson’s Disease
- Module 5: Effective Exercise Program Design, Part 1
- Module 6: Effective Exercise Program Design, Part 2
Course Delivery and Assessment
This is an online course. All materials are delivered virtually, with videos and narrated slide presentations. Comprehension of the material will be measured via a mandatory, multiple-choice/true-false item, competency assessment requiring an 80% passing grade.
The completion of this specialization course, and the passing of its corresponding competency assessment, leads to a Certificate of Specialization. All of the online courses on MedFit Classroom which lead to a Certificate of Specialization are considered advanced level education, and are meant to be taken by fitness professionals who have previously acquired education and experience as a professional within the health and fitness industry. In order to receive the Certificate of Specialization, upon completion of this course you will be asked to provide proof of the following:
- Evidence of a bachelor’s or master’s degree in fitness or health related field AND/OR possess a certification from a nationally-recognized certification, NCCA or ANSI/ISO accredited program AND
- Evidence of professional liability insurance.
*If you do not meet the requirements for a Certificate of Specialization, you can request a Certificate of Completion.
Renewal of Specialization
This Certificate of Specialization will be considered valid for a period of two years. To keep the certificate current, you must complete 10 hours of continuing education, on relevant subject matter, and formally renew the certificate prior to the date of its expiration. As with many certifications and specializations in our field, professionals should anticipate some costs to continuing education and renewal of this certificate.
MedFit Classroom CEUs
The Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Specialist course provides 10 CEUs toward renewal of MedFit Classroom fitness specializations.
Other Continuing Education Credits
This course is approved for credit by:
- American Council on Exercise (ACE) to provide 1.2 CEUs.
- Canfitpro to provide 4 CECs.
- International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to provide 12 CEUs.
- National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to provide 1.2 CEUs.
If your certifying body is not listed, you will be provided with a Certificate of Specialization at the end of the course that can be used to petition your certifying body for credit.
About the Author
Colleen Bridges, M.Ed, NSCA-CPT, Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Specialist, 2020 MedFit Education Foundation Professional of the Year, Belmont Occupational Therapy Advisory Board Member and the owner/head coach of Bridges for Parkinson’s, has worked nearly 20 years as a personal trainer, group exercise instructor and fitness consultant specializing in individuals with neurological impairments, specifically Parkinson’s Disease.
In 2016, Colleen introduced the Nashville Parkinson’s community to Rock Steady Boxing when she opened her Rock Steady Boxing-Music City affiliate, followed by the second affiliate in Franklin, TN in 2017.
Colleen’s commitment to the Parkinson’s community has led to her involvement in numerous research studies and exercise program development with programs such as Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital,, Let’s FACE It Together and MedFit Education Foundation.
Colleen launched her educational platform in 2020 featuring four courses starting with, Parkinson’s Disease Fitness Specialist certificate course through MedFit Education Foundation.
Colleen lives in Franklin, TN with her husband Shane and their two sons, Jackson and Jacob.